Is this relatable to you?
- It's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain your weight. You're genuinely doing your best, but it seems like your body no longer wants to cooperate.
- Whereas you used to have boundless energy, it now takes effort to get through the day without a nap or coffee.
- You put on your cardigan, then take it off again. You pull your duvet over yourself, only to push it away once more.
- One moment you're full of enthusiasm and happiness, and the next, an indeterminate feeling overwhelms you, and you become irritable.
- You wish to be a bit more toned, to shed a few pounds, and have your clothes fit a little better.
- In the labyrinth of information, what is healthy, what isn't, what works, what doesn't? Often, you no longer know.
- Do you ever wonder how healthy you really are when you hear about so many people falling ill around you?
- Growing older brings many beautiful things, yet you're not always happy about it.